ASNA Knowledge Base
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Change DataGate for IBM i's TCP/IP port

This article explains how to change the TCP/IP port that DataGate uses.

Why would you ever want to change the TCP/IP port? In normal circumstances, you’d generally not ever need to do this. However, if you’re installing a second DataGate instance, you may want to change the existing existing TCP/IP port so that the second instance can use that port number.

To change the TCP/IP port that DataGate uses:

  1. Ensure no DateGate user jobs are active and then end DataGate with

    <DataGate library name>/ENDDG8SRV
  2. Delete the Service Table Entry for your old version of DataGate:

    • Type WRKSRVTBLE on the IBM i command line and press Enter.

    • Scroll to bottom of the list.

    • The DataGate entry is usually listed as DataGatexxy where xx = main version number and y = minor version number.

    • Use option 5 to display the DataGate entry.

    • Write down the Service and Port values shown (or take a screen shot of it). You’ll use the port value in Step 5.

    • Press enter to return to the Service Table Entries list and use Option 4 to remove this Service Table Entry.

  3. Create a new Service Table Entry for your new DataGate instance with the ADDSRVTBLE command using these values:

    • Service = Use the Service value as determined in Step 4 (use exactly the same case as determined in Step 4).

    • Port = Port value used by old instance (as determined in Step 3)

    • Protocol = “tcp” where lowercase is very important!

    • Description = DataGate xxy (where xx = the major DG version number and y = the minor version number)

  4. Restart your new DataGate instance:

    <new DG Library name>/STRDG8SRV
Published: Nov 14, 2023